Way back in November, I built my custom insert for Too Many Bones and in anticipation of the release of Too Many Bones: Undertow, hoped that it would all fit in the single box… (original post: Make Room for Undertow!)
And it did!
In this quick video tour of the box, I’ll show how it all fits nicely and with a couple of unexpected surprises thanks to Chip Theory Games.
Of course, it’s a big heavy box, over 15 pounds of goodness in there. Fortunately they built the box itself pretty strong. So no doubt it’s up to the challenge.
The New Zoo Revue
The new contents for Undertow are quite nice as well as the upgrades to the entire system that were made available to the backers.
The 3.0 Cards are much brighter and clearer and easier to read. Of course now I have obsolete 1.0 and 2.0 sets to deal with 🙂
Love the upgraded Gearloc, adventure, and battle mats with the edge stitching. They don’t take up any extra space and all of them fit in the box perfectly.
The Ally Pack includes six fun and thematic (albeit unnecessary) ally/companion chips to bling up the game.
Love that Undertow included two mini chip trays which added to the storage solution and were a providentially perfect fit for the space I already had for custom chip holders.
The new Gearloc dice are lovely as well, but the Undertow Attack and Defense dice are just slightly darker than the original game. But on a problem scale of 1-10, it’s a zero.
And of course, all 10 of my custom Gearloc boxes fit right where they belong…
Wonderful production. Setup now for a refresher game and then on to new adventures.
As for the Too Many Bones: 40 Days in Daelore and Too Many Bones: Age of Tyranny content, I’m fairly confident it will fit in as well.
Now if they should release even more new content…
Gearloc Dice Boxes available on Etsy