Too Many Bones. Too Little Space.

Gearloc Box Template: HERE

First off let me be clear, the packaging of Too Many Bones is pretty darn good. Chip Theory Games has produced a perfect blend of function and storage that should be the role model to all game publishers (well, maybe not Academy Games, Inc., they do a great job too).

Each Gearloc (the characters in the game), comes with a tray to hold their 21 dice. The clear plastic trays not only store the dice in the box, but they go straight to the table to keep the dice organized before players add them to the character mat for in-game use. The lids for the trays double as additional table trays as well. It’s a very ingenious design.


There are currently seven characters available with three more coming in the Too Many Bones: Undertow “standalone” expansion. Even with doubling up characters two to a tray (and removing the initiative dice to a separate container), five of those trays will be hard to combine into the main game box (along with all the other chips, mats, and player cards).

So to reduce the amount of storage required in the box (and make room for expansion content), I created these “Gearloc Dice Boxes” to hold each character separate. Each box is designed to easily hold a character’s 21 dice in three rows of seven and includes a snug lid. They take up less than half the space of current trays and are suitable to go straight from the box to the table. I still plan to keep the provided dice storage trays for on-table use, but with more content on the way, making more room in the box can never hurt.

I chose to cut mine on color coordinated cardstock (with black divider inserts), but also made labels with each character’s name, image, and a matching color ring in case you want to use basic white. The files are available here:

Gearloc Box Template: HERE

Each box template prints on a single sheet of cardstock. Cut the solid lines, score the dotted lines. You get three divider sections from a single sheet, so a little paper savings there. I use the same techniques I’ve used for creating other boxes, so this video  will help if you cannot figure out the basic assembly.

Make no bones about it, these boxes are superior to the TMB ones in only one way — they take less space. The included ones are excellent and if you have no issues with storing the game, then by all means, you should keep on as is. However, if you’re looking for a way to fit more in less space, I hope you like this solution.

As always, thanks for reading.

Author: klkitchens

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